Discover and Unlock the Potential of Tomorrow's Brilliant Engineers

Discover and Unlock the Potential of Tomorrow's Brilliant Engineers

Sanjay Mortimer Foundation (SMF) is a global, non-profit initiative dedicated to empowering young individuals by providing hands-on learning opportunities, such as 3D printing. Inslogic partners with SMRRF and aims to support neurodiverse individuals in discovering and honing their strengths and talents in engineering and making, fostering a future where every mind can thrive. Also, we are determined to inherit the legacy of the co-founder of E3D, Sanjay Mortimer.

In December 2024, Inslogic is honored to partner with the Sanjay Mortimer Foundation (SMF) and be part of the UK's leading RepRap Festival at Manchester Metropolitan Business School. Together, we celebrate the innovative and community-driven spirit of the 3D printing world.

Sanjay Mortimer RepRap Festival (SMRRF) 2024Sanjay Mortimer RepRap Festival (SMRRF) 2024 (Source: SMF)

The SMF is a global, non-profit initiative to find and assist those with neurodivergent minds to realize their potential through the field of engineering. Neurodivergent minds often think creatively, they can be analytical, highly focused, excellent problem solvers, have high attention to detail, and think outside the box. SMF and Inslogic, both truly believe that introducing young individuals to a hands-on way of learning, primarily through making, can help them to realize where their talents and strengths. 

Sanjay Mortimer, Co-Founder of E3D

Sanjay Mortimer, co-founder of E3D, lived with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a condition he was always open about, acknowledging the challenges it presented. Despite this, he was determined not to let it define him. Tragically, Sanjay passed away last year at the age of 32, but his contributions continue to inspire. In honor of his legacy, the Sanjay Mortimer Foundation was established to carry forward his vision. 

“To help those with neurodivergent minds, recognize their strengths and talents, through engineering and making” - The SMF

3D Printing Models at SMRRF 2024
3D Printing Models at SMRRF 2024 (Source: Fulv)

Provide Access to SMF Support

At Inslogic, we have been steadfast in our support of STEAM programs worldwide and are eager to contribute to this community by making 3D printing more accessible to individuals with special educational needs (SEN). We aim to raise awareness, support fundraising efforts, and, like Sanjay, embrace the challenges we face, remaining determined not to let them define us. Additionally, we believe in accepting and uplifting one another with open arms. We are proud to sponsor our filament collections, empowering makers to capture original design intentions and transform imaginative concepts into tangible realities.

3D Printing Nerd’s Game Show, Joel Telling at SMRRF 2024

What Went On at SMRRF 2024

This year, SMRRF 2024 was packed with events and activities that kept everyone excited and eager to explore the fun and innovation that 3D printing technology has to offer.

  • Droid Builders STEM Workshops. For Star Wars fans who loved this hands-on workshop! Groups joined us for LED badge making, programming, and more.
  • Education Corner. Educating the next generation of innovators through hands-on experience with 3D printing technology.
  • 3D Printing Nerd’s Game Show. Joel Telling was in-house and hosted a game show during the event, with incredible prizes.
  • Kids Invent Stuff. Kids came along and had a chance to present their inventions and enter a fun competition.
  • Mini Robot Arena. Love 3D robots? This is the place to celebrate all the incredible work and brilliance.
Mini Robot Arena at SMRRF 2024
Mini Robot Arena at SMRRF 2024 (Source: stlDenise3D)

Inslogic was founded on the belief that innovation should have no boundaries, and that logic should inspire creativity, not stifle it. Driven by passion, we are committed to empowering others to embrace the same enthusiasm. Together, we create a platform for the next generation, supporting STEAM programs and helping to discover and unlock the potential of tomorrow’s brilliant engineers.